Sciences Po Grenoble

TRUEDEM team in France is represented by the Sciences Po Institute of Political Science at Grenoble Alpes University (GAU), in cooperation with CNRS (affiliated partner) and is led by Dr. Frederic Gonthier, full professor in Political Science at Sciences Po Grenoble and coordinator of the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) and European Values Survey (EVS) in France. He recently participated in a panel of experts for the European Commission and contributed to the report Science of values and identity in the political process. The team brings in expertise on political and cultural values, support for democracy and authoritarianism, party polarization, political sophistication, populism, quantitative survey methodology and policy analysis. Team leads WP9 “Democratic innovations and policy toolkit: knowledge-based policy actions catalogue”. 

Frederic Gonthier is Professor of Political Science at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte. His work focuses on welfare attitudes and on the linkage between value systems and party systems in a comparative perspective. It has appeared in journals such as Acta Politica, European Journal of Political Research, French Politics, Party Politics or Political Psychology. He is the Principal Investigator of the European Values Study and of the International Social Survey Programme in France.

Céline Belot is Full Researcher at the French national council for research (CNRS), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte. Having long studied citizens’ attitudes toward European integration with both qualitative and quantitative methods, she is currently developing a research agenda investigating the use of public opinion polling by the European Commission. She recently published in the Journal of Common Market Studies, West European politics, the European Journal of Politics and Gender and French Politics. 

Helene Caune is Associate Professor in political science at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte. Her research addresses the relationship between the European Union and the Member States, the transformations of social protection and the influence of public policies on citizens' preferences and behavior. She recently published in the Journal of Common Market Studies and in the Portuguese Journal of Social Science.

Camille Morio is Associate Professor of Legal Studies at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Sciences Po Grenoble, Cerdap. She specializes in law of participatory democracy, as well as in citizen practices, administrative relations and political participation.

Prunelle Ayme is a postdoctoral researcher at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte. During her PhD, she specialized in Turkish politics and gender studies, investigating the linkage between social action and AKP's popularity. Her research interests include political parties, participation, policy feedback, and authoritarianism. She recently published in Social Politics, International studies in gender, state and society; Critique internationale and Politix. Within TRUEDEM, she will contribute to WP9 and put her methodological expertise at the service of WP8.